Deferred payment
¡Compra ahora y paga después!
En Mercules queremos ayudarte a comprar esas cosas que tanto te gustan. ¿Por qué elegir entre un bolso o una gabardina si puedes tener las 2?
Por eso, te ofrecemos la posibilidad de financiar tus compras en nuestra tienda online de una manera simple, rápida y segura; sin papeleos ni letra pequeña.
¿Cómo puedo utilizar aplazar el pago de mis compras?
Contamos con dos métodos de pago para que puedas aplazar el pago de tus compras: Klarna y Aplazame.
Con KLARNA puedes pagar tus compras en Mercules en 3 plazos sin intereses que se cobrarán cada mes en tu tarjeta.
Con APLAZAME puedes elegir entre pagar tus compras en Mercules en 4 plazos sin intereses o elegir los plazos que más te convengan.
Te explicamos el proceso de compra:
- Una vez hayas metido en el carrito lo que quieras comprar y vayas a finalizar el proceso de compra en nuestra tienda online, selecciona Aplázame o Klarna como método de pago.
- Al seleccionar alguno de estos métodos de pago se te redirigirá a su plataforma de pago.
- Introduce tus datos personales (con tu email, tu móvil y tu DNI será suficiente), no hace falta que te des de alta en ninguna plataforma.
- Al proporcionar tu teléfono móvil se te enviará un código de verificación que deberás introducir cuando te lo soliciten. Tranquila, este SMS no supondrá ningún coste para ti.
- El proceso es rapidísimo y la aprobación de la financiación es inmediata. ¡A disfrutar de la compra!
Condiciones de la financiación
- Al solicitar el préstamo se te pedirá realizar el pago de una entrada inicial. La cuantía de tu préstamo será el importe de tu cesta menos esa entrada inicial. Ésa es la cantidad que financiarán en el número de cuotas que elijas. Por ejemplo, una financiación a 6 meses implicará 7 pagos, uno en el momento de la concesión del crédito y 6 pagos en cada uno de los 6 meses siguientes a la compra.
- Los pagos se hacen con la tarjeta que aporte el cliente a la plataforma. En el caso de Aplazame solo se aceptan tarjetas de crédito españolas.
- La concesión de la financiación está sujeta al cumplimiento de una serie de requisitos marcados por las plataformas.
Paga en 4
Ahora puedes dividir cómodamente el pago de tu compras en 4 cuotas SIN INTERESES. El primer pago se hará en el momento de la compra, y los 3 restantes de forma mensual.
El importe mínimo para poder acogerte a estas condiciones será de 50€ y el máximo de 500€.
Campañas Aplazame sin intereses
Estas campañas se lanzan de manera puntual y están pensadas para facilitar el pago de nuestros clientes sin tener que asumir ningún coste extra. Para poder beneficiarte de este tipo de promociones deberán cumplirse los siguientes requisitos:- Tarjeta de crédito española
- Efectuar las compras durante las fechas en las que la promoción esté vigente
- Cuotas de máximo 12 meses
- Realizar la compra mínima indicada en cada promoción
Si tienes dudas o algún problema durante el proceso puedes ponerte en contacto con Aplázame llamando al 91 903 30 15 o enviarnos un email a
Buy now and pay later!
At Mercules we want to help you buy those things that you love. Why choose between a bag or a pair of boots if you can have both?
We offer you the possibility of financing your purchases in our online store in a simple, fast and safe way; no paperwork or small print.
We have two payment methods so you can defer payment for your purchases: Klarna and Aplazame.
With KLARNA you can pay for your purchases at Mercules in 3 interest-free installments that will be charged each month to your card.
With APLAZAME you can choose between paying for your purchases at Mercules in 4 interest-free installments or choosing the installments that best suit you.
Purchasing process:
- Once you have put in the cart what you want to buy and you are going to finish the purchase process in our online store, select Aplazame or Klarna as the payment method.
- When you select any of this payment methods you will be redirected to its payment platform.
- Enter your personal data (with your email, your mobile and you ID will be enough), you don´t need to register on any platform.
- When you provide your mobile phone a verification code will be sent to you, which you have to enter when requested. Don´t worry, this SMS will not cost you anything.
- The process is very fast, and the approval of the financing is immediate. Enjoy shopping!
Conditions of financing
- When requesting the loan you will be asked to pay an initial fee. The amount of your loan will be the amount of your basket minus that initial entry. That is the amount they will finance in the number of installments you choose. For example, a 6-month financing will involve 7 payments, one at the time of granting the loan and 6 payments in each of the 6 months following the purchase.
- Payments are made with the credit card provided by the client to the platform. In Aplazame only Spanish cards are accepted.
- The granting of the financing is subordinated to the fulfillment of a series of requirements set by the platform.
If you have any doubt or problem during the process you can contact Aplazame by calling (+34) 919 033 015 or send us an email to
Buy now and pay later!
At Mercules we want to help you buy those things that you love. Why choose between a bag or a pair of boots if you can have both?
We offer you the possibility of financing your purchases in our online store in a simple, fast and safe way; no paperwork or small print.
We have two payment methods so you can defer payment for your purchases: Klarna and Aplazame.
With KLARNA you can pay for your purchases at Mercules in 3 interest-free installments that will be charged each month to your card.
With APLAZAME you can choose between paying for your purchases at Mercules in 4 interest-free installments or choosing the installments that best suit you.
Purchasing process:
- Once you have put in the cart what you want to buy and you are going to finish the purchase process in our online store, select Aplazame or Klarna as the payment method.
- When you select any of this payment methods you will be redirected to its payment platform.
- Enter your personal data (with your email, your mobile and you ID will be enough), you don´t need to register on any platform.
- When you provide your mobile phone a verification code will be sent to you, which you have to enter when requested. Don´t worry, this SMS will not cost you anything.
- The process is very fast, and the approval of the financing is immediate. Enjoy shopping!
Conditions of financing
- When requesting the loan you will be asked to pay an initial fee. The amount of your loan will be the amount of your basket minus that initial entry. That is the amount they will finance in the number of installments you choose. For example, a 6-month financing will involve 7 payments, one at the time of granting the loan and 6 payments in each of the 6 months following the purchase.
- Payments are made with the credit card provided by the client to the platform. In Aplazame only Spanish cards are accepted.
- The granting of the financing is subordinated to the fulfillment of a series of requirements set by the platform.
If you have any doubt or problem during the process you can contact Aplazame by calling (+34) 919 033 015 or send us an email to